I finally put together a bunch of my essays into one anthology. I used iBook author, it is probably riddled with errors, they are published pretty much as-is.* A more authoritative, edited book is coming one day. As are the lectures, soon.
I have made all the PDF downloads free including The Innovation Agenda, the lectures will be online to view, for free. If you like all this stuff, might I suggest contributing $20 (or more, or less if that’s all you can afford) to support the costs of doing this?
Some people don’t realize this, but Culturebot has never received a grant from any funder whatsoever, we don’t run ads, we are LITERALLY only able to exist with your support. We have so much we’d like to do – like build a peer-driven national community platform for discourse – that we don’t have the expertise to do ourselves or the resources to hire someone to do. If you would like to see that happen, I invite you to help by donating $20.
To put it in perspective, since our first (and only) fundraising campaign in December 2012, we presented Everyone’s A Critic at On the Boards in Seattle, we co-organized The Brooklyn Commune Project and published “The View From Here” – a groundbreaking report on the economics of the performing arts from the perspective of artists, we published a provocative six essay series on “The Innovation Agenda in The Arts”, we organized public conversations at The Under The Radar Festival in 2013 and 2014, organized presentations at the APAP conference in 2014, published the writing of about a dozen new arts writers, profiled or interviewed dozens of artists, wrote a scathing critique of the untenable economics of dancing, gave five lectures on performance at NYU and so much more. All of which was, basically, done out of our own pockets.
We’ve worked really hard to build this online space and create similar spaces offline. If you think this is important, if it has helped you in your art, career or life, if you would like to become a part of helping us build a more inclusive, equitable community online to model what we’d like to create offline, then please consider donating just $20. If just one week’s worth of readers each donated $20, the impact would be extraordinary.
*And I will also update this PDF shortly with the credit for the cover image which is from Rebecca Davis’ News, photo by Vilem Benes.